Greetings fellow AFS Members and Advertisers!
The excitement is building!! 2025 marks a milestone in the American Foundry Society as we present the 92nd Southeastern Regional Conference, themed “Building on the Best”, set for March 5-7 in Savannah Georgia. We would like your company to play an active role in this event to assure its success.
As in previous years, there will be an official conference program booklet highlighting the Events, Presentations, Plant Tour, and other activities associated with this conference. We would like your help to sponsor the conference by making a donation to advertise in this Program Booklet. Your company’s advertisement will reaffirm your support of our industry and showcase your products and services available to all conference attendees, while also helping meet the financial goals and objectives for which this conference is held- educational funds and support for future foundry industry professionals.
We also invite you to be an Event Sponsor at this conference. There will be two hospitality events and your company will be showcased during these events as well as other opportune times throughout the conference.
Thank you very much for your continued support! This 92nd Regional Conference will be a successful event with your support! Should you have any questions, please contact Peter Kim at, Bill Matarazzo at, or James Sturgeon at
Bill Matarazzo & James Sturgeon Peter Kim
Sponsorship Co-Chairmen Regional Chairman