Annual Premium Sponsorship


Annual Premium Sponsorship


The primary mission of the AFS Piedmont Chapter is education.  We invite our valued member companies, both foundries and suppliers alike, to join this worthy cause by financially supporting the chapter mission.

The Annual Premium Sponsorship includes meeting sponsorship at all 5 of our meetings as well as a website sponsorship (A $1500 value total)

As a website sponsor you will have your company logo displayed on the sponsors page of our website and your company will be listed on every email sent to our chapter members for announcements and news.

Meeting sponsorship includes:

  • Receive company recognition during technical sessions

  • Receive company recognition during the dinner meeting

  • Company logo displayed on PowerPoint display prior to dinner meeting

Note: Sponsorship are not exclusive. Most meeting will have multiple sponsoring companies.

For credit card payments please click add to cart below. For payment by check please print and mail this form with your payment.

For additional information contact us at

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